Friday, June 04, 2010

happy 20th birthday casey

casey afraid of the sombrero, originally uploaded by heidini.

memorial weekend was pretty good, even though it rained like crazy almost the entire time. we celebrated casey's birthday on saturday which was fun. she was afraid the sombrero at the restaurant was going to give her lice or something.
our town gets kind of crazy busy on memorial day weekend because of the Ski to Sea race, which is pretty cool and unique, started way back in 1911. a lot of people are serious competitors and it gets international participants, but the people i know who compete are just my regular joe coworkers nstuff. the legs of the race are very west coasty:
Cross Country Ski; Downhill Ski/Snowboard; Running; Road Bike; Canoe; Mountain Bike; Kayak

yah i stayed inside. cuz i dont like, do, any of those things. well i supposed i canoe, but definitely not down a mountain river. and i dont kayak in the ocean unless its santa barbara's bay.

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