Saturday, April 10, 2010

made it

i worked 5 out of 5 shifts this week
they were supposed to be 8 hour, but ended up being longer than that.
which i hated, but whatever, that's the kind of profession i'm in.

still sick like pregnant sick most of the time. i'm eating all normal foods now though, and just forcing them down my throat. at this point i'm like meh, what sticks sticks and what doesn't, dosen't. just try againnnn with a new foooood.

i bore myself talking about this.

in other news, we had the first little ultrasound thing this week - baby no longer looks like a blob, but a real baby, and baby was very modest and we didn't get a look at the gender. my coworkers in the ultrasound department are anxious to have an ultrasound fiesta on my abdomen, which makes me laugh. (we don't usually get to look at anything cute on the ultrasound screens at work trust me).

oh and someone already told me that i'm going against God's Natural Plan and Will For My Life by wanting to find out the gender via an ultrasound screen before the baby is born. so feel free to leave comments like that on my blog also, cuz i'd just love to hear more about that /sarcasm. no seriously, stuff like that really falls on deaf ears when it's told me i think - instead of me being like ORLY? TELL me MORE holy spiritual person! I'm like, uh, well, you know I've already crossed that bridge by like, being a transplant nurse right, i mean, you know, like harvesting organs from dead people and putting them into other alive people. i'm guessing you have a problem with things like this too, yes? ORLY? thought so.

also, you need to have a little humor in your life. i mean, i've had a few "it's a girl!" pre-birth and then baby comes out and they're like.. "Oh, it's a boy!" so see, there, you can still be surprised.

but i supposed this is the beginning of what is to come, me living in the real world and also Religion World. most people i know are very reasonable sorts, but there are those out there (who i never know personally but think they know me) who will love to tell me that I'm raising my child all wrong, because they are wearing blue shoes on a Tuesday, or picking their nose on a Friday - I never really know what to say to these types. I guess I'm like my dad in this way that I just like to say something other ridiculous and almost off-topic that is likely to offend, for example "i transplant organs for a living, are you an organ donor?" or something stupid. probably not the right approach.

1 comment:

JCL said...

That's a new one for me... If you were choosing the gender that might be a little weird, but finding out before it's born? It's against God's will to want to know what color onsie to buy? Those people probably never even peeked at their Christmas gifts early. They are that holy. They probably don't even look and see if the cookies are done in the oven, they just trust that God put the right time and temperature in the cookbook, and they wouldn't be faithful by looking in the oven one minute early.
Weirdos. Lotsa weirdos in the church. The Baptist weirdos are a special breed in themselves, too. ;-)